Books, Chapters & Journal Articles

  • Hammond, Michael (to appear) “The distribution of h in Welsh and English”, Journal of Celtic Linguistics.
  • Bell, Elise, Diana Archangeli, Skye Anderson, Michael Hammond, Peredur Webb-Daview, and Heddwen Brooks. (to appear). Illustration of the IPA: Northern Welsh. Journal of the IPA.


  • Zupon, Andrew, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond & Mihai Surdeanu. 2022. Automatic correction of syntactic dependency annotation differences. In Proceedings of the language resources and evaluation conference. 7106–7112. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association. https: //
  • (2022)“Orthographic epenthesis and vowel deletion in Welsh”,JournalofCelticLinguistics 23, 115–136. (Hammond, M. & Hannahs, S.J.)



  • Carnie, Andrew and Sylvia Schreiner (2020) Restricted and Reversed Aspectual Contrasts. In Daniel Currie Hall and Bronwyn Bjorkman (eds.) Contrasts and Representations in Syntax. Oxford University Press
  • Hammond, Michael, Elise Bell, Skye Anderson, Peredur Webb-Davies, Diane Ohala, Andrew Carnie, and Heddwen Brooks (2020). Category-specific effects in Welsh mutation, Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 5(1), 1. DOI: is external)
  • McCullough, Kerry (2020). Escaping siloed phonology: Framing Irish lenition in Emergent Grammar. Coyote Papers: Proceedings from Arizona Linguistics Circle 13


  • Hammond, Michael (2019). “Voiceless Nasals in Welsh”, Journal of Celtic Linguistics, 20, 31–60.


  • Anderson, Skye and Elise Bell (2018). Morphological influences on categorical perception of stop voicing. In Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 3(1), 14:1-10. is external)
  • Clayton, Ian, Colleen Patton, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond, and Muriel Fisher (2018). Developing an Audio-visual corpus of Scottish Gaelic. Language Documentation and Conservation, 12, 481 - 513.
  • Meyer, Joshua, Nick Kloehn, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond, Diana Archangeli and Natasha Warner (2018). The Field is not the Lab, and the Lab is not the Field: Experimental and Community-based linguistics with Gaelic speakers on Skye. In Insights and Practices in Community Based-Linguistics (pp. 296-313). Berlin, Boston: DeGruyter Press.
  • Sung, Jae-Hyun, Archangeli, Diana, Johnston, Sam, Clayton, Ian, Fisher, Murial, Hammond, Michael, & Carnie, Andrew (2018). Individual variation in lexical palatalization: Articulatory evidence from Scottish Gaelic. Eoneohag 80, 23-51.


  • Hammond, Michael, Yan Chen, Elise Bell, Andrew Carnie, Diana Archangeli, Adam Ussishkin, Muriel Fisher (2017). Phonological restrictions on lenition in Scottish Gaelic.  Language 93, 446–472. is external)
  • Ussishkin, Adam, Natasha Warner, Iain Clayton, Daniel Brenner, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond, Muriel Fisher (2017). Lexical representation and processing of word-initial Morphological alternations: Scottish Gaelic mutation. Laboratory Phonology, 8(1). is external)



  • Hammond, Michael (2015). Review of the Phonology of Welsh. Lingua 165, 173-178.
  • Hammond, Michael (2015). “Gwlad y gân: Welsh language, song, and metre”, Proceedings of FEL 19, 24–29.
  • Schreiner, Sylvia L.R. (2015). The creation and interpretation of nominal predicates: Bi+ann in Scottish Gaelic. Lingua 154, 110-139. Online: DOI 10.1016/j.lingua.2014.11.005.
  • Warner, Natasha, Brenner, Dan, Schertz, Jessamyn, Carnie, Andrew, Fisher, Muriel, and Hammond, Michael. (2015). The aerodynamic puzzle of nasalized fricatives:  Aerodynamic and perceptual evidence from Scottish Gaelic. Laboratory Phonology 2015, 1-44.


  • Archangeli, Diana, Sam Johnston, Jae-Hyun Sung, Muriel Fisher, Michael Hammond, and Andrew Carnie (2014). Articulation and neutralization: a preliminary study of lenition in Scottish Gaelic. Proceedings of Interspeech 2014, 1683-1687.
  • Hammond, Michael (2014). “Calculating syllable count automatically from fixed 
meter poetry in Welsh and English”, Journal of Literary and Linguistic Computing 29, 218-233.
  • Hammond, Michael, Andréa Davis, Natasha Warner, Andrew Carnie, Diana Archangeli, Muriel Fisher (2014). Vowel Insertion in Scottish Gaelic. Phonology 31, 123-153. is external)


  • Carnie, Andrew (2013). Phonologically motivated pronoun post-posing in Scottish Gaelic. In Catrin Rhys, Pavel Iosad and Alison Henry (eds.) Microvariation, Minority Languages, Minimalism and Meaning: Proceedings of the Irish Network in Formal Linguistics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 91-100.
  • Hammond, Michael (2013). “Cynghanedd yn yr anialwch”, Barddas 318, 12–13. (“Cyn- ghanedd in the desert”).
  • Reed, Sylvia L. (2013). On the meaning(s) of after in varieties of Scottish English. In Dan Brenner, ed., Coyote Papers 21: Proceedings of the Arizona Linguistics Circle 6. Tucson, AZ. 



  • Archangeli, Diana, Jeff Berry, Andrew Carnie, Nicole Hunt, Sunjing Ji, and Keisha Josephs (2011). “ATR in Scottish Gaelic Tense Sonorants: A preliminary report” In Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics. Cambridge Scholar’s Press. pp. 283-306.
  • Brenner, Dan, Andréa Davis, Natasha Warner, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Jessamyn Schertz, Michael Hammond and Diana Archangeli (2011). Can you say [ṽ] or [x̃]. Aerodynamics of Nasalized Fricatives in Scottish Gaelic. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4): 2550. is external)
  • Carnie, Andrew (2011). Mixed Categories in Irish. Lingua 121: 1207-1244. is external)
  • Carnie, Andrew (2011). Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics. Cambridge Scholars Press.
  • Hammond, Michael (2011) “Welsh Mutations and Statistical Phonotactics”, Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, Andrew Carnie, ed., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 337-358.
  • Reed, Sylvia L. (2011). The semantics of Scottish Gaelic tense and aspect. In Andrew Carnie, ed. Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, 255-282. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 
  • Warner, Natasha, Jessamyn Schertz, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Lionel Mathieu, Colin Gorrie, Michael Hammond and Diana Archangeli (2011) Timing of Perceptual Cues in Scots Gaelic. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 130(4): 2573.