Presentations & Posters


Powell, J. (26 May 2023) “Geo-Spatial Analysis of Gaelic Speakers in the Cities and the Gàidhealtachd over Two Censuses"  Workshop on Endangered Languages of Europe, Flensburg, Germany.

Powell, J. (6 January, 2023) "White Supremacists’ Weaponization of Heritage Languages and Language Revitalization.” Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Denver, CO.


McCullough, K. (30 September 2022) " "To bhe or not to be: The current use of ICM in Ireland's urban areas." Foundational Approaches to Celtic Linguistics (FACL 2), Online.  


Powell, J. (8 January 2021) "Geo-Spatial Contrasts between Urban and Rural Scottish Gaelic Users.” Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Online.



  • McCullough, Kerry (2019). “Escaping siloed phonology: Framing Irish lenition in Emergent Grammar.” Arizona Linguistics Circle 13, University of Arizona, October 25-27, 2019.


  • Zupon, Andrew (2018). “Tagging Scottish Gaelic”. Arizona Linguistics Circle 12, University of Arizona, October 12-14, 2018.

  • Hammond, Michael (2018). “Prediction vs. significance: learning grammatical gender in Welsh.” Invited talk, Deptartment of Sociology, University of Arizona

  • Zupon, Andrew, Adam King, Colleen Patton, Michael Hammond, and Andrew Carnie (2018). “A Corpus Analysis of Breton Soft Mutation Inconsistencies”. Typologi ar Brezhoneg (Typology of Breton), Quimper, France, June 19-20, 2018.


  • Hammond, Michael, Skye Anderson, Diana Archangeli, Elise Bell, Heddwen Brooks, Andrew Carnie, Diane Ohala, Adam Ussishkin, Peredur Webb- Davies, and Andy Wedel (2017). “Grant ar dreigladau’r Gymraeg: adroddiad interim”, 24ain Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog, Wales.

  • Hannahs, S.J. and Michael Hammond (2016). “Phonological and orthographic epenthesis in Welsh”, 23ain Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog, Wales.


  • Clayton, Ian, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond, Muriel Fisher (2016). Introducing the Audio-Visual Corpus of Scottish Gaelic. Rannsachadh Na Gaidhlig. Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. [Paper]

  • Hammond, Michael and S.J. Hannahs (2016). “Phonological and orthographic epenthesis in Welsh”, 23ain Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog, Wales.

  • Webb-Davies, Peredur, Skye Anderson, Diana Archangeli, Elise Bell, Heddwen Brooks, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond, Diane Ohala, Adam Ussishkin and Andy Wedel (2016) “The Arizona–Wales mutation grant: introducing the project”, 23ain Seminar Ieithy- ddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog, Wales.

  • Patton, Colleen, Ian Clayton, Andrew Carnie and Michael Hammond (2016). Compromise between language ideologies and corpus development: the audio-visual corpus of Scottish Gaelic. Arizona Linguistics Circle 10. [Paper]

  • Webb-Davies, Peredur, Michael Hammond, Elise Bell, Skye Anderson, Diana Archangeli, Heddwen Brooks, Andrew Carnie, Diane Ohala, Adam Ussishkin, Andy Wede (2016). The Arizona-Wales mutation grant: introducing the project. 23ain Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog [Paper]


  • Carnie Andrew (2015). “Dependency based Merge” ASU Linguistics/Applied Linguistics Symposium, Arizona State University,  Feb 28, 2015.

  • Carnie, Andrew and Sylvia Schreiner (2015). The Syntax and Semantics of Aspectual Contrasts in Scottish Gaelic”, The Syntax of Contrast Conference. University of Toronto, April 25, 2015. 

  • Hammond, Michael (2015). “Gwlad y Gaˆn: Welsh language, song, and meter”, FEL, New Orleans.

  • Hammond, Michael (2015). “Linguistic preconditions for cynghanedd”, 22ain Seminar Ieithyddiaeth y Gymraeg, Gregynog, Wales.

  • Sung, Jae-Hyun, Diana Archangeli, Samuel Johnston, Ian Clayton, Andrew Carnie (2015). The articulation of Mutated Consonants: Palatalization in Scottish Gaelic. International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow [Paper]


  • Archangeli, Diana, Samuel Johnston, Jae-Hyun Sung, Muriel Fisher, Michael Hammond and Andrew Carnie (2014). Articulation and Neutralization: A Preliminary Study of Lenition in Scottish Gaelic. Interspeech, September 17, 2014, Singapore. 

  • Archangeli, Diana, Samuel Johnston, Jae-Hyun Sung, Muriel Fisher, Michael Hammond, Andrew Carnie (2014). Svarabhakti vowel articulation in Scots Gaelic, LabPhon 14, July, 27th, 2014, Tokyo Japan.

  • Hammond, Michael (2014). “Variability in Welsh grammatical gender”, Language Diversity in Wales conference, Aberystwyth.

  • Hammond, Michael (2014). “Input optimization: phonology and morphology”, Manchester Phonology Meeting.

  • Sung, Jae-Hyun, Diana Archangeli, Ian Clayton, Dan Brenner, Sam Johnston, Michael Hammond, and Andrew Carnie (2014). "The articulation of lexical palatalization in Scottish Gaelic." 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Providence, RI, U.S.A., May 8, 2014. [poster presentation]

  • Warner, Natasha, Ian Clayton, Daniel Brenner, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond, Muriel Fisher. (2014). "The effect of Gaelic initial consonant mutation on spoken word recognition." Linguistic Society of America, Minneapolis.

  • Warner, Natasha, Dan Brenner, Jessamyn Schertz, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher and Michael Hammond (2014). “The aerodynamic puzzle of Scottish Gaelic nasalized fricatives.”  Dag van de Fonetiek meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 2014.

  • Warner, Natasha, Dan Brenner and Andrew Carnie (2014). “Nasalized Fricatives vs. Approximants in Scottish Gaelic”. Celtic Linguistics Conference 7, June 23, 2012, University of Rennes II, France.

  • Warner, Natasha, Ian Clayton, Daniel Brenner, Andrew Carnie, Michael Hammond, Muriel Fisher (2014).  "The effect of Gaelic initial consonant mutation on spoken word recognition." Celtic Linguistics Conference 8, Edinburgh [Poster] 


  • Carnie, Andrew, Hyun-Kyoung Jung, Heidi Harley (2013). “Possession, Psych Predicates and Covert Double Objects” University of Calgary Linguistics Colloquium. April 12, 2013.

  • Hammond, Michael (2013). “Phonologicalcomplexityandinputoptimization” invited speaker, PhonologyForum 2013, Sapporo, Japan.

  • Sung, Jae-Hyun, Diana Archangeli, Daniel Brenner, Ian Clayton, Samuel Johnston, Michael Hammond, and Andrew Carnie (2013).  Ultrafest 6. The Articulation of Scottish Gaelic Plain and Palatalized Consonants. Edinburgh.

  • Warner, Natasha, Ian Clayton, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Dan Brenner, Michael Hammond, Diana Archangeli, and Adam Ussishkin (2013). "Perception of Scottish Gaelic alternating (leniting) consonants." Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, December, 2013.


  • Carnie, Andrew (2012). Experimental Investigations on Scottish Gaelic Phonetics and Phonology”, Carleton University Linguistics Colloquium, February 3, 2012.

  • Carnie, Andrew and Sylvia Reed (2012). “The Syntax and Semantics of Scottish Gaelic a’ dol”, Plenary Speaker, Celtic Linguistics Conference 7, June 22, 2012. University of Rennes II. France. 

  • Hammond, Michael (2012). “Phonological parallelism: the distribution of [h] in English and Welsh”, invited speaker, UTASCILT conference, Arlington, TX.

  • Jung, Hyun-Kyoung, Andrew Carnie and Heidi Harley (2012). “On the Lack of Double Object Constructions in Scottish Gaelic”, New Perspectives on Celtic Linguistics Workshop. University of California, Berkeley. September 8, 2012.

  • Reed, Sylvia L. (2012). Multiple perfects in Scottish Gaelic. In Jaehoon Choi et al., eds., Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 389-397. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

  • Warner, Natasha, Jessamyn Schertz, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Diana Archangeli, Michael Hammond, Lionel Mathieu and Colin Gorrie (2012). "Timing of perceptual cues in Scots Gaelic sound distinctions." Celtic Linguistics Conference 7, June 23, 2012. University of Rennes II, France [Poster]


  • Brenner, Dan, Andréa Davis, Natasha Warner, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Jessamyn Schertz, Michael Hammond and Diana Archangeli (2011). Can you say [ṽ] or [x̃]. Aerodynamics of Nasalized Fricatives in Scottish Gaelic. Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, October, 2011.

  • Brenner, Dan, Natasha Warner, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Diana Archangeli, Mike Hammond, Micaya Clymer, Andrea Davis, Colin Gorrie, Julia Fisher, Lionel Matthieu, Jessamyn Schertz and Jae-Hyun Sung (2011). Fitting the Phonetically Impossible into Phonology: Nasalized Fricatives in Scots Gaelic. University of Arizona, Department of Linguistics Spring Datablitz, February 11, 2011.

  • Carnie, Andrew (2011). “Scottish Gaelic Pronoun Postposing and Set Theoretic Phrase Structure”, Plenary Speaker, Irish Network of Formal Linguistics 3, Belfast Ireland, May 27, 2011.

  • Davis, Andrea, Michael Hammond, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Diana Archangeli, Natasha Warner, Dan Brenner, Micaya Clymer, Julia Fisher, Colin Gorrie, Lionel Matthieu, Jessamyn Schertz and Jae-Hyun Sung (2011). Syllable Count of Epenthetic Words in Scots Gaelic. University of Arizona, Department of Linguistics Spring Datablitz, February 11, 2011.

  • Davis, Andréa, Michael Hammond, Diana Archangeli, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Natasha Warner, Colin Gorrie, Lionel Mathieu, Jessamyn Schertz (2011). Perceptual and Judgment-based Experiments on Scottish Gaelic Svarabhakti. 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth Ireland, August 2011.

  • Schertz, Jessamyn, Diana Archangeli, Andrew Carnie, Jae Hyun Sung, Lionel Mathieu, Michael Hammond, Natasha Warner, Brenna Ward, Chelsea Milburn, Peter A. Brown, Dan Brenner, Colin Gorrie and Andrea Davis (2011). "The articulation of epenthetic vowels in Scottish Gaelic." 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth Ireland, August 2011.

  • Warner, Natasha, Andrew Carnie, Dan Brenner, Micaya Clymer, Lionel Mathieu, Jae-Hyun Sung, Jessamyn Schertz, Michael Hammond, Diana Archangeli, Muriel Fisher, Colin Gorrie (2011). :Nasalization and Frication in Scottish Gaelic." 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth Ireland, August 2011.

  • Warner, Natasha, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Jessamyn Schertz, Lionel Mathieu, Colin Gorrie, Michael Hammond, Diana Archangeli (2011). "The Timing of perceptual Cues in Scots Gaelic." Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, October, 2011


  • Archangeli, Diana, Andrew Carnie, Muriel Fisher, Michael Hammond, Natasha Warner, Dan Brenner, Micaya Clymer, Andrea Davis, Colin Gorrie, Lionel Mathieu, Jessamyn Schertz, Jae-Hyun Sung, and Brenna Ward (2010). “Scottish Gaelic Experimental Phonology: A Preliminary Report.” Plenary Speaker, Celtic Linguistics Conference 6, Sept 12, 2010. University College Dublin. 


  • Archangeli, Diana, Jeff Berry, Andrew Carnie, Nicole Hunt, Sunjing Ji, and Keisha Josephs (2009). “ATR in Scottish Gaelic Tense Sonorants: A preliminary report”, Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics. University of Arizona, March 25, 2009. 


  • Carnie, Andrew (2008). “Morphophonological Constraints on Word Order”. Linguistics Department Colloquium, University of California San Diego. November 24, 2008.

  • Carnie, Andrew (2008). “Phasing in Mixed Categories: Evidence from Celtic”. SLAT roundtable, University of Arizona, March 8, 2008. Invited speaker.

  • Carnie, Andrew (2008). “Set Theoretic Constituent Representations and Morphophonological Conditions on Linearization. Third Brussels Conference on Generative Grammar, Brussels, Belgium May 22, 2008.

  • Carnie, Andrew (2008). “The phonology of Scottish Gaelic”, Sound Minds Group, University of Arizona. February 8, 2008.


  • Carnie Andrew (2007). "Mixed Categories: A Phase-bound approach", Program in Linguistics Colloquium, Arizona State University, April 6, 2007.

  • Carnie, Andrew (2007). "Mixed Categories", Arizona Syntax Salon, April 2, 2007.


  • Carnie, Andrew (2006). "Celtic Mixed Categories: A Phase-bounded Approach," Syracuse/Cornell Workshop on the Internal Syntax of Nominalized Clauses. March 25, 2006.


Anderson, Skye & Elise Bell. 2018. Morphological influences on categorical perception of stop voicing.