588-2008-02-28 Constituent Order (continued) |
2010summer |
588-2008-02-28.doc47 KB |
588-2008-03-03 |
2010summer |
Adger, David (forthcoming) Gaelic Syntax |
2009may7 |
Adger.Syntax.AC_KL.doc144 KB |
AT 2008-05-19 |
2009may7 |
AT-2008-05-19.doc37 KB |
DT 2008 |
2009may7 |
DT-Individ.doc93 KB |
Andrew Carnie Elicitation 3: Sluicing and Wh-movement |
2009may7 |
AC-MFPPIWh-insituSluicingApril282008andFall2008.xml1.3 MB SluiceInsituePiedPiping.doc223.5 KB SluiceInsituePiedPiping_PrepsSynthesis.doc68.5 KB |
Andrew Carnie Elicitation 5: Tag Questions |
2009may7 |
AC.5.TagsQuestions.doc24 KB |
Andrew Carnie Elicitation 6: Comparative Correlatives |
2009may7 |
AC.6.ComparativeCorrelatives.doc24 KB |
Anderson (1910) Data |
2009may7 |
anderson.1910.data_.doc40.5 KB |
Borgstrom (1968) Data |
2009may7 |
Borgstrom_1968.xml52.39 KB borgstrom.1968.data-done.doc42 KB |
588-2008-03-25 Compounds |
2009may7 |
588-2008-03-25.doc44 KB |
588-2008-04-08 Quantifiers |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-08.doc44 KB |
MacAulay (1992) Scottish Gaelic Language - Complex Prepositions |
2009may7 |
MacAulay1992-Complexprepositions.doc30.5 KB |
588-2008-04-10 Quantifiers, Scope, Negatives |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-10.doc40 KB |
588-2008-04-15 Comparatives |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-15.doc39.5 KB |
MacAulay (1992) Scottish Gaelic Language - Imperatives |
2009may7 |
MacAulay1992-Imperatives.doc41 KB |
588-2008-04-17 Gapping and Raising |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-17.doc59 KB |
MacAulay (1992) Scottish Gaelic Language - Misc. |
2009may7 |
MacAulay1992-Misc.doc112.5 KB |
MacAulay (1992) Scottish Gaelic Language - NP Structure - 123+229a |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-21 (Chen-chun E) |
2009may7 |
MacAulay (1992) Scottish Gaelic Language - Questions |
2009may7 |
MacAulay1992-Questions.doc46.5 KB |
588-2008-04-22 Gapping and Raising |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-22.doc42 KB |
588-2008-04-22 Scope, Negation, etc. |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-22_neg.doc44.5 KB |
588-2008-04-29 Frog Story |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-29 (1).doc43.5 KB |
588-2008-04-29 (Chen-chun E) |
2009may7 |
588-2008-04-29.doc43.5 KB |
JC 2008-04-21 |
2009may12 |
JC-2008-04-21.doc37 KB |
JP 2008-04-23 |
2009may12 |
JP-2008-04-23.doc39.5 KB |
KL 2008-02-28 |
2009may12 |
KL 2-28-2008 Followup Extract-Raise-Control.xml80.08 KB KL-2008-02-28.doc68 KB |
KL 2008-03-12 |
2009may12 |
KL March 2008 Follow up.xml159.46 KB KL-2008-03-12.doc71 KB |
588-2008-03-28 Psych Predicates |
2009may12 |
588-2008-04-01 Nominalization One Replacement |
2009may12 |
588-2008-04-01.doc63 KB |
588-2008-04-28 (Alex Trueman) |
2009may12 |
Andrew Carnie Elicitation 4: Levin's Verb Alternations |
2009mar4 |
AC.4.Levin-Recovered.doc133 KB |
588-2008-02-27a |
2009mar4 |
588-2008-02-27b |
2009mar4 |
588-2008-02-27b |
2009mar4 |
SR Elicitation 2008.5 |
2009mar4 |
SR-2008_05-TMA.doc74.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.6 |
2009mar4 |
SR-2008_06-TMA.doc47 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.10 |
2009mar4 |
SR-2008_10-SheepStory.doc34.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.11 |
2009mar4 |
SR-2008_11-Negation.doc31.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.12 |
2009mar4 |
SR-2008_12-Negation.doc42.5 KB |
MacAulay (1992) Scottish Gaelic Language - Conjunctions and Subordinate Clause |
2009mar4 |
MacAulay1992-ConjSubo.doc82 KB |
Cram (1983) Scottish Gaelic Ann as an aspect particle. Studia Linguistica vol 18/19: 311-329 + short SR Tense Mood aspect elicitation. |
2009mar1 |
Cram83.doc68 KB |
KL 2008-10-08 |
2009mar1 |
KL-2008-10-08 Demonst.xml10.79 KB KL-2008-10-08.doc78.5 KB |
KL 2008-10-15 |
2009mar1 |
KL-2008-10-15 Emph-Contrast.xml134.74 KB KL-2008-10-15.doc145 KB |
KL 2008-10-22 |
2009mar1 |
KL-2008-10-22 Reflex.xml5.47 KB KL-2008-10-22.doc61 KB |
Adger (2008) Fracturing the Adjective QMOPAL 4 |
2009jan6 |
Adger.2008.Fracturing.Adj_ (1).xml165.44 KB Adger_2008-Fracturing (1).doc97.5 KB |
Adger (2008) Fracturing the Adjective QMOPAL 4 |
2009jan6 |
Adger.2008.Fracturing.Adj_.xml165.44 KB Adger_2008-Fracturing.doc97.5 KB |
Adger Psych Nouns Handout |
2009jan6 |
AdgerPsychNouns (1).doc100.5 KB |
Adger and Ramchand (2005) Psych Nouns and the Structure of Predication |
2009jan6 |
AdgerRamchand2005PsychNouns.doc49 KB |
Adger and Ramchand (2006) Dialect |
2009jan6 |
Adger&Ramchan2006Dialect-done.xml46.03 KB adger.ramchand.2006.dialect-done.doc40 KB |
Anderson (1909) Data |
2009jan6 |
Anderson_1909-1.xml177.28 KB anderson.1909.data-done.doc71 KB |
Bowers (2002) Predication. LI 33: 183-224 |
2009jan6 |
bowers_2002.xml47.31 KB Bowers2002.doc22.5 KB |
KL 2008-01 |
2009jan6 |
KL-2008-01_McCloskeyDemonstatives.xml11.28 KB KL-2008-01_McCloskeyEmphatics.xml158.68 KB KL-2008-01_McCloskeyReflexives.xml5.81 KB |
Dorian (1973) Grammatical Change. Language 49 |
2009jan6 |
Dorian1973.doc41.5 KB |
Guild (1990) Comparison of Prep Pronouns in Scots Gaelic & Hungarian. Acta linguistica Hungarica |
2009jan6 |
Guild.doc55 KB |
MacAuley (1964) A grammatical approach to ‘is’ and related problems. Scottish Gaelic Studies. |
2009jan6 |
MacAulay64.doc75 KB |
MacAulay (1988) On the order of some elements in SG. 1st NA cong on Celt stud. |
2009jan6 |
MacAulay1988data.doc55 KB |
Adger (1994) The Licensing of Quasi Arguments n P. Ackema & M. Schoorlemmer |
2009jan6 |
adger_1994_b.xml136 KB Adger1994_QuasiArgs.doc30 KB |
Adger (1997) Deriving the parameterization of the Mapping Hypothesis. in Alexiadou and Hall |
2009jan6 |
Adger1997B_Parameterization.doc31.5 KB |
Ramchand (1993) Aspect Phrase in Modern Scottish Gaelic. NELS 92 |
2009jan6 |
Ramchand_Gillian_Aspect_1993.xml437.81 KB Ramchand_1993-AspectPhrase-revised.doc39 KB |
Adger (1997) Pronouns |
2009jan6 |
Adger1997PronounsCJL (1).xml70.32 KB adger.1997.pronouns.CJL_.doc45.5 KB |
Adger (1997) VSO and feature fusion at PF, UCL job talk |
2009jan6 |
adger_1997_VSO.xml439.83 KB Adger1997_UCLJobtalk.doc35.5 KB |
Ramchand (1996) Two subject positions in Scottish Gaelic. Natural Language Semantics 4.2 |
2009jan6 |
ramchand_1996.xml676.31 KB Ramchand1996_2subpos_elicited.doc41.5 KB |
Ramchand (1998) Deconstructing the Lexicon in Butt & Geuder Argument Projections CSLI |
2009jan6 |
ramchand_1998.xml156.1 KB Ramchand1998deconstructing.doc31 KB |
Adger (2007b) Stress |
2009jan6 |
adger.2007b.stress.doc45 KB |
Adger (2007c) Three Domains of Finiteness: a minimalist perspective |
2009jan6 |
Adger.2007.domains.finiteness_0.xml6.62 KB Adger2007c_ThreeDomains_0.doc23 KB |
Adger (2007c) Three Domains of Finiteness: a minimalist perspective |
2009jan6 |
Adger.2007.domains.finiteness.xml6.62 KB Adger2007c_ThreeDomains.doc23 KB |
588-2008-01-31 Word List (continued) |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_3_01-31_0.xml67.6 KB 588-2008-01-31_0.doc28 KB |
SR Elicitation 15: Tense, Mood, and Aspect (O. Dahl's Questionaire) IV |
2008spring |
SR-Session_15_0.doc45.5 KB |
588-2008-02-05 Simple Sentences |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_4_02-05_0.xml144.2 KB 588-2008-02-05_0.doc30 KB |
588-2008-02-07 Simple Sentences (continued) |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_5_02-07_0.xml215.03 KB 588-2008-02-07_0.doc30.5 KB |
588-2008-02-12 Tense |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_6_02-12_0.xml486.2 KB 588-2008-02-12_0.doc38 KB |
Andrew Carnie Elicitation 1: Basic Clause Structure |
2008spring |
BasicClauseStructure_AC_Sessions1-2.xml3.57 MB BasicClauseStructure.doc138.5 KB |
588-2008-02-14 Tense (continued) |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_7_02-14.xml572.9 KB 588-2008-02-14.doc39 KB |
Andrew Carnie Elicitation 2: Embedded Clauses |
2008spring |
BasicClauseStructure_ACElicitation2.xml1.44 MB EmbeddedClauses.doc66.5 KB |
588-2008-02-19 Embedded Clauses |
2008spring |
588-2008-02-19.doc40.5 KB |
588-2008-02-21 Embedded Clauses (continued) |
2008spring |
588-2008-02-21.doc43.5 KB |
588-2008-03-11 Ditransitives, Middles |
2008spring |
588-2008-03-11.doc48.5 KB |
588-2008-03-13 Passives, Middles |
2008spring |
588-2008-03-13.doc53.5 KB |
Folli & Ramchand (2001) Getting Results: Motion Constructions in Italian and Scottish Gaelic. WCCFL20 192-205 |
2008spring |
folli_ramchand_2001.xml154.57 KB FolliRamchand.doc31 KB |
588-2008-04-03 Adj Order |
2008spring |
588-2008-04-03.doc65.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 01-02: Noun Phrases |
2008spring |
SR-Session_01-02_checked.doc102.5 KB sr_sessions_01-02.xml189.53 KB |
Adger (1994) Functional Heads and Interpretation. Ph.D. Dissertation, U. Edinburgh |
2008spring |
adger_1994.xml232.35 KB Adger_1994.doc84 KB |
SR Elicitation 03: Nouns, Noun Phrases, and Quantifier Phrases |
2008spring |
sr_sessions_03-04_0.xml2.04 MB SR-Session_03-04-AC_edit_0.doc124.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 04: Nouns, Noun Phrases, and Quantifier Phrases |
2008spring |
sr_sessions_03-04.xml2.04 MB SR-Session_03-04-AC_edit.doc124.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 05: Tense, Aspect, and Verbs 'to be' |
2008spring |
sr_sessions_05-07_0.xml1.47 MB SR-Session_05-07_checked_0.doc96.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 06: Tense, Aspect, and Verbs 'to be' |
2008spring |
sr_sessions_05-07 (1).xml1.47 MB SR-Session_05-07_checked (1).doc96.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 07: Tense, Aspect, and Verbs 'to be' |
2008spring |
SR-Session_05-07_checked.doc96.5 KB sr_sessions_05-07.xml1.47 MB |
SR Elicitation 08: Reelicting NPs |
2008spring |
SR-Session_08.doc31.5 KB |
588-2008-04-24 Intonation |
2008spring |
588-2008-04-24.doc35 KB |
SR Elicitation 09: Reeliciting Tense, Mood, and Aspect (O. Dahl's Questionaire) |
2008spring |
SR-Session_09.doc37.5 KB |
a Ramchand (1996) Mystery Data |
2008spring |
Ramchand1996MysteryData.doc28 KB |
SR Elicitation 12: Tense, Mood, and Aspect (O. Dahl's Questionaire) I |
2008spring |
SR-Session_12.doc48 KB |
588-2008-01-24 Basic Greetings and Introduction |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_1_01-24.xml115.23 KB 588-2008-01-24.doc29 KB |
SR Elicitation 13: Tense, Mood, and Aspect (O. Dahl's Questionaire) II |
2008spring |
SR-Session_13.doc38.5 KB |
588-2008-01-29 Word List |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_2_01-29.xml72.33 KB 588-2008-01-29.doc27.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 14: Tense, Mood, and Aspect (O. Dahl's Questionaire) III |
2008spring |
SR-Session_14.doc43 KB |
588-2008-01-31 Word List (continued) |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_3_01-31.xml67.6 KB 588-2008-01-31.doc28 KB |
SR Elicitation 15: Tense, Mood, and Aspect (O. Dahl's Questionaire) IV |
2008spring |
SR-Session_15.doc45.5 KB |
588-2008-02-05 Simple Sentences |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_4_02-05.xml144.2 KB 588-2008-02-05.doc30 KB |
588-2008-02-07 Simple Sentences (continued) |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_5_02-07.xml215.03 KB 588-2008-02-07.doc30.5 KB |
588-2008-02-12 Tense |
2008spring |
588_SR_Session_6_02-12.xml486.2 KB 588-2008-02-12.doc38 KB |
Adger and Ramchand (2001) Phases and Interpretability WCCFL20 |
2008sep03 |
AdgerRamchand2001_elicited.doc49.5 KB adger_ramchand_2001 (1).xml724.47 KB |
Adger and Ramchand (2003) Predication and Equation LI34 |
2008sep03 |
AdgerRamchand_2003.doc70.5 KB |
Adger (1996) Aspect, Agreement and Measure Phrases. In Borsley, Roberts (EdS): The Syntax of the Celtic Languages. CUP |
2008sep03 |
Adger_1996-Aspect.doc32.5 KB |
Ramchand (1993) Dissertation |
2008nov1 |
ramchand.dissertation.doc109 KB |
SR Elicitation 10: Transitive Verbs, Modals, and Psyc Verbs |
2008nov1 |
SR-Session_10.doc42.5 KB SR-Session_10.xml82.95 KB |
Adger (2007) Pronouns Postpose at PF. LI38:238-266 |
2008nov1 |
Adger.2007.Pronouns.xml55.41 KB Adger_2007.doc40 KB |
SR Elicitation 11: Psyc Verbs and Genitives |
2008nov1 |
SR-Session_11.xml30.7 KB SR-Session_11.doc31.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 18: Scopes, Negatives, etc. |
2008nov1 |
SR-Session_18.doc42.5 KB SR-Session_18.xml109.39 KB |
JC 2008-04-07 |
2008nov1 |
JC-2008-04-07.doc34.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.1 |
2008nov1 |
SR-2008_01.doc43.5 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.2 |
2008nov1 |
SR-2008_02.doc37 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.3 |
2008nov1 |
SR-2008_03.doc43 KB |
SR Elicitation 2008.4 |
2008nov1 |
SR-2008_04.doc35.5 KB |
KL 2008-02 |
2008nov1 |
KL-02-2008-ACedit.doc145 KB |
Adger (1996) Subjects and Finiteness in Irish and Scottish Gaelic YRPL |
2008may14 |
Adger_1996b-Subjs_FinitenessYRPL_0.doc66 KB |
Adger (1996) Subjects and Finiteness in Irish and Scottish Gaelic YRPL |
2008may14 |
Adger_1996b-Subjs_FinitenessYRPL.doc66 KB |
Adger (2000) Feature Checking Under Adjacency. In Borsely Syntactic Categories |
2008may14 |
Adger_2000-featurechecking.doc51 KB |
Adger and Ramchand (2005) Merge and Move LI36 |
2008may14 |
AdgerRamchand_2005.doc57 KB |
588-2008-02-26 Constituent Order |
2008may14 |
588-2008-02-26.doc55.5 KB |